Practical Information
The MULTI 23 was a real commercial success in a poorly represented niche. Very pretty (with its mini Orma silhouette!), well built, robust and fast; it offers high-level steering sensations and its use is versatile (solo, family outing, regatta, coastal camping).
It will not go out of fashion and will remain for a long time one of the most attractive and accessible pleasure craft (the boat is very safe)Trimaran Multi 23’ N°130 année 2012 (LO E81175)
Très bon état
Visible Golfe du Morbihan
Remorque de route et mise à l’eau
Mât 2020 (ralingue + rail)
Voiles : 2 GV (ralingue) et 2 focs
1 Genaker + emmagasineur karver
2 safrans dont 1 carbone
Lazy bag GV
Bateau disposant d’une bouée réservée à la Trinité-sur-Mer pour la saison 2024
Prix : 20,000€